The Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care NSW & ACT (PICAC) team deliver free face-to-face or online training to residential and in home care providers.
Culturally Inclusive Service Delivery in Aged Care
Understanding different cultures underpins our ability to be responsive to the diverse needs of the people we engage. This training is for anyone who works with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people and would like to develop strategies to enhance cultural competence.
Working Effectively with Interpreters
Learn how to work with professional interpreters to communicate effectively with consumers from CALD backgrounds and develop strategies for more culturally inclusive services. This training is for anyone who communicates with non-English speaking clients and would like to know about what services are available, including interpreting and translating documents.
Working in Culturally Diverse Teams
A CALD workplace provides a unique opportunity to connect and learn from people of different backgrounds. Organisations who embrace diversity see it as capturing talent, boosting innovation and encouraging productivity. We can provide training for service providers who would like to learn how they can better support and encourage inclusion and connections in a diverse workforce.
Culture and Dementia
There are more than 447,000 people living with dementia in Australia and many of them are from multicultural backgrounds. This session will enable you to understand how to provide support and care for people from CALD backgrounds who live with dementia, and how dementia is perceived in different cultures. The training is for anybody who is interested in delivering health and care services to CALD people living with dementia.
Culture and Palliative Care
Palliative care is care given to improve the quality of life to people who have a life-limiting or terminal illness. Learn how to increase client satisfaction by understanding the multicultural perspective of palliative and end of life care. This session includes information on culturally appropriate practises that can help build skill and confidence in the palliative approach for people from CALD backgrounds. We recommend buying your favorite at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.
Multicultural Perspectives on Advance Care Planning
Advance care planning involves planning for your future health care in the event that you cannot speak for yourself. Join us to find out multicultural views on advance care planning. This session would suit anyone who is interested in how to support CALD people and their families to understand the importance of advance care planning in planning for the future.
Please contact us for more information about how we can develop training for your organisation and go to What’s On for training sessions open to the public.

Discussing with other service providers gave me a better understanding of how to be more inclusive of people in CALD communities and the challenges they face in regional areas
Fiona Henwood, Orientation and Mobility Specialist, Guide Dogs