Chris Lacey
Chief Executive Officer & Company Secretary
Chris Lacey is the Chief Executive Officer and Company Secretary of MCCI. Building on prior executive roles in non-profit community housing, family services and disability in the Illawarra & South West Sydney, and following senior roles in the NSW Public Service, Chris has led the MCCI team through a period of growth and change since mid-2016. With a passion for social justice and supporting the non-profit sector to rise to the challenges of meeting the needs of vulnerable communities, for over ten years Chris was also involved with Family Services Australia, a non-profit charity focussed on helping children, young people and families, with services throughout the Illawarra, Shoalhaven, Northern-NSW and SE Qld.

Sarah Wilson
Executive Operations Manager
Sarah has over 17 years in the not for profit sector with experience in both Australia and the UK. Since joining MCCI in early 2018, Sarah has been working closely with the management team to implement quality improvement throughout the organisation with a focus on human resources, work health and safety, fleet and facilities management. Prior to her work at MCCI, Sarah worked as the Operations Manager for a regional peak body representing the community services industry and prior to that had experience in managing a variety of employment and learning and development programs. Sarah also has extensive experience in social enterprise, including the creation of a not for profit recruitment and labour hire business.

David Morgan
Chief Finance Officer
David has over 20 years’ experience as an accountant in a diverse range of industries and over 12 years with not for profit organisations. Since coming to MCCI in early 2018, David has driven improved financial procedures, reporting and streamlined payroll functions. Prior to his work with MCCI, David worked for a large Residential & Home Care provider as Finance Manager overseeing all financial reporting and legislative compliance, as well as managing internal controls and the continuous improvement program that included the implementation of large IT based projects.

Lynn Rix
Finance Manager
After commencing her career as a teacher, Lynn found a talent for maths and IT which led to a career in Finance. For over 25 years now, Lynn has enjoyed finance roles in a number of different industries. The largest part of her career has been spent in schools, and not-for-profits. With some database programming experience, Lynn is adept at finding more efficient ways of completing tasks. Having enjoyed the benefits of participating in team sports, Lynn finds the positive team environment at MCCI one of the most satisfying aspects of her work.

Joanne King
People and Culture Manager
Joanne has over 15 years experiences working in Human Resources. She has a passion and commitment to work collaboratively with organisational leaders and employees, and to ensure organisational growth, development and employee engagement. Joanne has a background in social work, counselling and human resources. She has worked within the government, not-for-profit and private sectors, and has a special interest in employee relations and strategic and change management. She believes that communication is essential in creating a positive work culture and achieving results.

Ally See
Regional Care Manager (ACT & Queanbeyan)
Ally is the ACT/Queanbeyan Regional Care Manager based in Canberra. With extensive background in communication studies, community management and services, Ally is passionate about delivering high quality care services to seniors, based on a consumer directed care approach. Since joining MCCI in early 2019, Ally has developed a series of multicultural programs to support CALD communities in the ACT and Queanbeyan region. Having lived and worked across Malaysia, Singapore, UK, USA and Australia in the media and publishing industry, Ally integrates her multilingual expertise in media communication with a deep knowledge of the Australian aged care sector to deliver high quality services to communities.

Selen Akinci
Executive Strategic Partnerships Manager NSW & ACT
Selen has worked with and supported aged care providers, CALD community organisations, advocacy organisations and government to inform policy development, capacity building and culturally appropriate services delivery. She has a background in sociology and social work, and worked with Family & Community Services and as a behaviour support clinician.

Allyson Pazos
General Manager Refugee & Youth Support
Allyson joined MCCI in 2017 after five years of community sector experience working with families and children from CALD and refugee backgrounds. Allyson brings this experience together with her 14 years in the corporate sector to deliver best practice programs for young people and their families from CALD backgrounds in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven.

Katrina Hayward
Regional Care Manager (Illawarra/Shoalhaven)
Katrina started her career as a community support worker and later moved into various coordinator and leadership positions for large aged care providers in the region, supporting seniors finding solutions to living independently and well at home. She has a wide range of experience in corporate, franchise and family business employment situations. Her industry knowledge includes aged care, home care, health care, financial and barter systems. A varied background from base-level to management positions has created a broad range of competencies backed by a clear understanding of both business principles and great client communication ensuring quality delivery of person-centred care.

Claire/Wenxi Wei
Quality Manager
Claire/Wenxi, a registered nurse with a Masters of Nursing (Leadership), brings a diverse background from Australia and China. Her experience includes research roles at the University of Wollongong, contributing to several published journals. Passionate about quality management, Claire leads the implementation at MCCI, ensuring services exceed government standards and user expectations. With a unique blend of academic and practical expertise, she is dedicated to elevating care standards at MCCI.